New Year’s Resolutions have been around for a very long time. There is always an individual that says, “Okay, next year I am going to do things differently.” Whether that actually happens or not depends on the determination and effort put forth by that person. Being financially responsible is no different. Now, being a collection agency and advising on how to not have debt is a little counter-intuitive. However, a person who is responsible and can manage their debt properly is always a joy for us to work with.
We often hear people say they don’t have the money to pay a debt and when the right opportunity comes along, will turn right around and pay in full. This is usually because there is a credit report dependent purchase in their near future or there is the possibility of litigation. A lot of times it’s not because there is a lack of funds, but higher-priority needs and wants exist. Paying off a debt just isn’t the number one priority.
Understanding this is what we do here at Arbor Professional Solutions. We can help the consumers realize that paying their debts is the responsible and right thing to do. We have to. It’s in our name! We provide professional solutions to consumers and encourage them to make paying off debt a priority. Making a debt-free or reduction of debt resolution does just that, and we are here to help that process along. Whether it be through payment arrangements, settlements, litigation or other means, we work hard to collect for our clients. With paying off those accounts also comes a little more cash for the consumers to sign up for those gym memberships or spend time with family and friends.